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Friday, August 31, 2012

Female Education in Digital Bangladesh

Female Education in Digital Bangladesh

Where extracted from school when she was fifteen, and she married a decision described as "hasty and ill-considered", before returning and taken away their right to education, because they feel after ten years of marriage to the possibility of returning to school again for its willingness to energy in achieving this.

And already excelled in high school, and excelled in her studies, and was among the top ten in the specialization,

student school is eligible to take decisions, especially with regard to marriage, mixed and blurred the concept of marriage for them, may make the results of its disastrous .

"Women and the right to education": the school plays the role of education and education, especially with regard to marriage and the accompanying responsibilities, especially with the high rate of divorce in cases of early marriage. as demanded by adding even a chapter on these topics awareness in the curriculum school, stressing the importance of holding seminars to educate mothers not to create a state of revulsion at their daughters toward school students, and toward the house, encouraging recourse to early marriage, or to illicit relations, under the pretext of "Find compassion."

Women's Studies, that, and despite the fact that since its founding, with numerous accomplishments in education, especially with regard to infrastructure and support services for education, but it remains the social dimension is barrier to complete many girls their education, from him did not include some of the villages on the secondary schools for girls, and thus the idea of ​​depriving them of education under the pretext of fear.

We must not forget also that the occupation, and during the siege and closures and checkpoints and the crimes of the settlers, is a tool more pressure on parents increases the concerns of families of their daughters, especially if schools outside areas.

the role of parameters: proportion of teachers in schools are the top where they constitute in public schools, and thus women parameter has a great role in the issue of alienated student from the school or not, pointing out that studies of the status of women talked about uncomfortable atmosphere within the school.

Some actions of the parameters leave psychological effects bad students, where there is violent psychologically about appearance and about clothing in some cases, and this creates a state aversion among non specifically, and reflects the status of caste discrimination may unintentional within schools, as well as state repression of not granting students the appropriate space of self-expression, with the absence of monetary policy analysis, which prevents exit creative personalities and have a presence in the community .. Many parameters come from traditional backgrounds and traditional values ​​which any civilized society seeks to combat a phenomenon of early marriage, for example.

And criticized the book neglect to the education sector, which according to what you see, is exacerbated in the recent period, where the percentage of support provided to universities in the former is higher than it is now, in addition to many other indicators that demonstrate the lack of interest in power in this sector, especially in recent years.

 the female experience difficulties in accessing their schools and specifically in the villages and how the circumstances of social customs and traditions, and sometimes economic, without their education.

During the survey the views of citizens on the street, disagreed on the causes obstructing women to complete their education, between economic conditions and customs, traditions and stereotypes of women.


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